As details are rolled out, they will be available on our social media!

FRIDAY, march 22
Candy Filling Party
5:30 pm • Newsong
Join us at Newsong for pizza, drinks and a lot of fun as we fill plastic eggs for our easter morning egg hunt! You might even sneak a few pieces of candy while you work!
SUNday, march 24
Palm Sunday
10:00 am • Newsong
We are excited to invite you to a festive day.
Everyone will get a palm branch as we celebrate the day Jesus entered the gates of Jerusalem.
Good FRIday, march 29
An Evening of Remembrance
6:00 PM • Newsong
A night to meditate and consider the great passion of Christ for us through
dramatic readings, music, and a candle-lit communion ceremony.
EASTER, march 31
9:45 AM • Newsong
We love parties and this is the biggest one of the year. Jesus is Alive!
Come experience joyful worship, an inspiring message and a meaningful morning
with a family of believers who love Jesus, love having fun and enjoy hanging out together! ALSO we'll have an egg hunt after church, photos with the Easter Bunny and other surprises!
Our Newsong Kids will celebrate with games, activities,
crafts and an interactive Easter story.
Every week, we feature special breakfast items and Colorado's famous Building 21 coffee.
See you there!